irritated and need to vent pt. 2

i’m sure many of you saw my last post of my partner not helping me with the baby when he’s on his video games. i’d like to add that i’ve talked to him about it several times even throughout my pregnancy. always got empty promises. “imma sell the game” “i won’t let it get to me anymore” “i won’t play once the baby is here” none of them were kept. tonight he really pisssed me offffff. baby girl and i spend all day, everyday together so i can imagine that at the end of the day she’s tired of me and probably wants someone else’s attention where you think my partner should step in. he got on his stupid game and she was literally yelling trying to get his attention. he’d turn around every few seconds to give her a little attention and then he’d turn right back around to play. i kept telling him “she wants your attention!!” and he’d turn around and talk to her for a minute and once again go back to playing. at one point she started crying and i told him imma turn the internet off if he doesn’t hurry up with his game. to which he responded “you better relax”.... EXCUSE ME?! our daughter is literally yelling at you so you can give her your full attention but instead you’re prioritizing a stupid ass game!! i’m extremely upset and then when he tries to talk to me a few minutes later and i of course respond irritated he has the nerve to ask “why are you mad?” like are you for real? baby girl kept crying so he decided to go take a shower. i’m irritated and tired and just wanted to vent about it. shes 7wks and is starting to understand A LOT. like when someone is talking to her she’ll respond back. she’ll look for you if you walk away. so i feel like this is a crucial time for us to really be bonding with her as much as we can and talking to her. he works all day and when he comes home he’d rather play his game or be on his phone than to spend time with her. he says that when she’s older and learns to walk is when he’ll really get to bond with her 🙄 if there’s anything i’m grateful for is that i have enough attention to make up for the both us. also wanted to add that baby girl got really excited this weekend and cooed at me and i got it on camera 🥺 i swear i love this little girl so much she makes me wanna cry