
So me and my boyfriend BD at 2am when he came home for his lunch, that’s all good and dandy. We do it again at 8:35am, and OMFG IT WAS TERRIBLE. Not him lmao, but what happened after. It was another quick session because I had to cut it short because I started to feel something weird, then once I got him to stop, my uterus started going crazy. I was having extreme cramping, so extreme that I had to go to the toilet to prepare to throw up (I didn’t’) and I was so dizzy that I couldn’t really focus or stand well.

Side notes: I missed my whole period that was due on the 26th (5-6 days) and I tested today but the test was negative (blue dye HPT). I’m supposed to be 17 days/2 weeks and 3 days pregnant, if I am.

I’m still not on it. Why’d this happen!? It went as fast as it came, maybe lasting around five minutes but still! And I would think “well maybe it’s because he was being rough” or “maybe it’s because you did it twice within a few hours” but we’ve done this before and nothing that painful has happened to me. :((