Sagging Boobs

Kim 🧚🏻 • First Time Mom 💕

One of my biggest fears have hit reality. My boobs are officially sagging before I even give birth.

I’ve tried so many times to avoid looking in the mirror and pointing out my imperfections, I’ve always been someone who’s proud of my body, I accepted the way I looked pre-pregnancy. I loved & embraced my stretch marks, my acne, my dark marks, my height, my weight and I would never let anything get to me.

Today I decided to look in the mirror & look at my boobs, and I burst into tears. I went from 32B to 36C, currently at 32weeks into my pregnancy and my boobs aren’t full anymore but there’s sagging tissue. I’ve never felt more insecure, I can’t even change next to my partner anymore no matter how many times he says I’m perfect, I didn’t gain weight at all throughout my pregnancy so I pretty much still look the same besides my swollen feet, huge belly & sagging boobs, I’m a first time mom btw.

It just really messed with my confidence, I can’t bring myself to accept that these are my boobs now.

I’m so heartbroken 💔😪