I’m gonna dye my hair but my boyfriend doesn’t want me to.

I’m gonna dye my hair blonde and my boyfriend keeps telling me not to, that I’ll regret it, that I’ll damage my hair and that I’ll get bad roots. Should i be pissed off? Bc i am super pissed off by his remarks but he doesn’t get why I’m mad. I keep telling him he needs to respect my choices because it’s not his fucking hair but he somehow does not understand why his remarks are rude and disrespectful. His mom even remarked the other day how i have such beautiful hair and then went on explaining why i shouldn’t bleach it. I’m getting it done at a salon by a professional and it’s not like I’ve never dyed my hair before so it’s gotten incredibly frustrating. They act like i don’t know what I’m doing but I’ve researched it before and have been thinking about it for a long time now. It’s not a big deal. I’m not gonna go breaking up with him over this but it is something that is getting more and more on my nerves.
