16 weeks, baby too low?


Any other moms 16 weeks, or close to it, that check their babies heartbeat with an at-home Doppler from time to time? This morning while lying in bed after waking up, I noticed only the right side of my belly was a bit hardened. It was almost right in line with my belly button. I was almost 100% sure that was my baby I was feeling because my abdomen softened up after only about 5 minutes. Well tonight I checked the heartbeat and I found it all the way on the left side in my pelvic region, near the top of my vagina. Now I’m questioning weather or not that was really baby I was feeling this morning. I know baby can move throughout the day, but according to WTE, the baby at 16 weeks is roughly the size of an avocado. Can it really move THAT much this soon? Is it ok for baby to still be sitting that low at 16 weeks? Or should baby be higher up in my abdomen/uterus? -First time mom if you can’t tell haha.