Yikes name disagreement

When I met my partner,we had discussions about children's names early on. He is a third. And if we have a son he'd like the son to be the fourth. I agreed to this when we were dating. Since we've been married I've grown to understand who the men are that and the first and second. They aren't terrible men. But they both led difficult lives making interesting choices in life. This is my husband's legacy. And he wants his son named after himself, not the other two. It's something he's dreamed of his whole life he says.

But I can't stand to think of my possible future son bearing the other men's names. It's difficult for me. My husband's father has caused me a lot of anxiety of the years due to his own mental health issues. He's very inappropriate as well. I guess Im just looking for a wake up call or sympathy lol

He is not budging on the topic.

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