Clotting disorder and pregnancy


At what point did your OB or hematologist have you start blood thinners?

In 2013 I had 2 miscarriages back to back. they ran tests and found protein s deficiency as well as MTHFR (the mutation I have doesn’t affect clotting). They just had me take aspirin and the next pregnancy was successful.

Fast forward to now, I was pregnant and lost it at 5 1/2 weeks. My new OB does t see protein s often and since I’ve never had a clot before he isn’t sure so they sent us to a hematologist. I still take aspirin and my PT test was at .9 (the minimum of normal). I’m still waiting on the remaining tests. He redid everything (12 tests 🤦🏻‍♀️). Anyways, just searching for answers or hope. Or at least wrap my head around what the future may be.