The most UN-romantic sex session ever? 🙈😂

Me and me partner were just having amazing sex. I’m on the edge of the bed and he’s stood up. It’s going good ...

The dog decides to sneak into the bedroom all stealthy and starts pawing at his leg.

Undeterred he gently moves the dog away with his foot whilst still pounding me... he didn’t want to stop because I was super close to orgasming and it’s so rare for me to achieve it 😄

So we carry on all caught up in the moment.

He grabs me off the bed whilst still inside me and we flip roles so now I’m riding him

And he’s sat up. Feeling super hot for once 😎

Then I get cramp and fall off onto the floor. Go me! 🙄😫 so I use this awkward moment to also get the dog out the room again.

My Cramp goes and I continue riding him. He leans back telling me not to stop.

I’m still riding him when I’m pretty sure I hear the door creek again so I reach out to shut the door quickly in the pitch black only to accidentally smack my partner in the eyeball instead.

We laugh. It was funny. I apologise. And We continue.

Turns out I hadn’t shut the door fast enough though because 10 seconds later I hear the dog get on the frikin bed next to us. I feel something brush my arm and attempt to shove what I think is the dog off the bed... instead I end up punching my partners round the jaw 🙈

Hilarious for us both. But now he’s decided that I owe him dinner for it.

( I imagine he’s also questioning if I’m hitting him on purpose and using the dog as a cover up 🙈😂)

Now the dog really has to go.

We throw the dog out.

Back to the action. We decide to do it standing up so can lean against the door to keep it shut. ( we seriously need a lock!)

My partner approaches me unaware that the dog decided to drag his bed and blanket around the room before he left.

My partner steps on the blanket. Starts doing his thing. Then I hear a bang.

I’m just stood bent over by the door in the darkness like an idiot thinking what the F!£k ? he said he was cumming so where has he gone?!

I decide to forget that I hate having the lights on whilst naked and turn them on because somethings clearly gone horribly wrong here.

I’m just looking at him like...

He’s slipped on the blanket, whilst cumming, now covered in it, and is laying on the floor not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

So I did what any caring girlfriend would do and threw baby wipes at him like it was cash

Cut to twenty minutes later and he’s now asleep and I had to share this because I just keep giggling to myself every 2 minutes 😂🤣

Everything that could go wrong - did.

Who said sex isn’t romantic 👀😂