Sleep Training & Older Generations.

Taylor • Girl Momma to 3 Princesses! 💕 Homestead Wife

I see a lot of posts around different pages about how everyone must sleep train... I don’t get the point. I have never sleep trained my daughter and always went to her if she cried in the night for something. Shortly after 3 ish months she started sleeping through the night on her own. Occasionally waking for one feed (usually if she didn’t eat much before bed or isn’t feeling great)

I just can’t imagine letting her cry and not going to her. My family was one of those “put her down let her cry you spoil her” types but I stood my ground and told them I know what’s best for my daughter and now she’s a fine sleeper. Who falls asleep independently within minutes for naps and nighttime without crying.

I guess I wish I could teach older generations that not everything in their day was perfect and us moms are doing what we believe is best for our babies.

I get so much crap for how I choose to raise our daughter and she’s only 4 months old it’s exhausting. Like leave me and my parenting alone. You raised your kids now it’s my turn...