Unexpected unprotected sex

So...I’ve been seeing this guy for a while and we’ve been having sex for about a few weeks. He has some challenges with maintaining an erection due to anxiety so we’ve really only done a bunch of grinding/mutual masturbation ...until yesterday.

We were kissing with him on top when suddenly he was in me. I was excited it was finally happening and didn’t want to ruin the mood but I knew he didn’t have a condom on. He asked if it was ok if he finished in me and I consented. After, I said next time he needed to wear one and he agreed and apologized for putting me in that position.

We’re exclusive but have talked about how I have an IUD but prefer to double cover with a condom. I’m not necessarily upset with him but I did have an experience where someone stealthed on me on purpose in the past that was pretty traumatic, and it brought up some bad memories.

I don’t want to scare him off or make him feel bad but I think we need to take about it so he understands and I don’t just bottle it up.

Just looking for support and any thoughts to make it a conversation not an accusation