Husband don't care about the house?!

I bought a house around June, and for the past 5 months I've been renovating it. I'm not a realtor nor do I flip houses for a living, so this entire experience is so new to me. I've been dealing with construction workers, plumbers, electricians, cleaning crews, hardware and furniture stores and everything all by myself!

The house is for me and my husband to live in as a starter house, we didn't buy it together because we wanted to seperately own our property. Before I bought it I was house-hunting for months on my own as my husband didn't want to help me with anything. He just told me guidelines to follow (neighbourhood, size etc). I didn't force him since he was working longer hours because of the pandemic (his company had to let go some of the workers and he got a promotion). Anyway,

This house is a 15 minute walk from where we currently live, so that's been very helpful because some days I had to go back and forth multiple times to check on any issues with the workers.

Whenever I've tried getting his help, like with lifting heavy appliances or cleaning or helping me decide on a fabric or anything he's been busy and uninterested. So I've had to get my father and brother's help.

I don't know why! It's not like he is jealous, because he can also afford to buy a house (plans to buy a larger house next year, but he plans on renting it until we have older children and need to move).

I feel so alone in this marriage because of this issue. He has so far been of 0 help and 0 support.

It has put a strain in our marriage because he doesn't even ask me about my day anymore. If I had a busy day with the construction crew, the first person I want to tell is my husband and he is just so uninterested.

At most he'll help me pick between 2 options if I show him pictures.

And with him working longer hours (he works from home) I rarely get to see him.

I don't know what to do.

The real problem is the complete lack of support and help from him.

He's only ever seen the house 2 times (I basically dragged him, once when I bought it and once when construction crew was done).

I've asked him and he says that he is too busy, and doesn't really care. But his complete lack of help bothers me.

Just a comment, if he was busy all the time I would understand, but the second he's done with work he starts playing video games for hours! He plays video games (a new hobby) at least 30 hours every week. We rarely do anything together anymore. I work from home too, I also do all of the chores at home and cook all of his meals. It's not like I've neglected him.

Note: I'm not from the US! In my country it is NOT the norm to own a property together. In fact only property that is owned by more than 1 person is possible when it's inherited by a passed relative and that is a nightmare to sell/rent/legally divide etc. Different laws, different customs. Does that make a difference? We WILL BOTH LIVE in this house for possibly the next 7 years.