this virus is causing so much stress

I’m a third year college student and I’m realizing I am getting sadder and sadder. I suffer from anxiety and can barely do anything without feeling terrified I will contract the virus myself and/or give it to others. I can’t even go home to see my mom and dad who i love with all my heart without being scared I will make them sick somehow. The only person I see is my boyfriend who is long distance and only once a week, and even that is not always guaranteed. My roommates are my friends but we are around each other all the time and I just miss going to classes, being around people, feeling productive and just being happy overall. I was at my peak happiness before this virus came and I had my friends, my routine, and I felt productive. Now i feel my friends have drifted. It is now and always has been crashing down, but especially now. I sit on my computer all day doing work and if I’m not on my computer I’m on my phone. I think about going on a walk but frankly have no energy or want to move. I complete 20 assignments in my little room and still feel worthless and like I’ve completed nothing. I find myself missing my boyfriend and becoming a little too dependent on him for my happiness. I find myself randomly feeling terrified he will leave me cause i kind of feel like he’s one of the very few good things in my life right now and it eats me alive. I feel like I’ve lost friends and myself. I’m so tired of waking up everyday scared of everything around me and stressed about school. How do I fix this? My mental health is circling the drain. I miss my old life. I always ask myself: what is it like to not worry about every little thing in life all the time? What is it like to be worry free and have a silent brain?