

Hey, so I miscarried last month 💔 and about a week and a 1/2 after I stopped bleeding, I noticed my body was showing me signs that I was ovulating. I thought some ovulation tests laying around so I thought I check to see what’s going on.

I got a O (clear blue digital) which means low and then continued to monitor it and got the flashy smiley face for a few days them boom Monday 7th I got my smiley 😊

I’m now 5dpo and I’m noticing a few things...

- I’m super cranky ( my poor husband) 🙈

- Really tired

- Headaches

- I’m getting twinges and slight cramping which come and goes

- Gassy ( TMI sorry)

- Bloated

- Fussy with foods

- having to pee alot and when I go it’s like full on, like I’ve not been for ages 😂

-itchy nipples

I didn’t get this last time so just curious to know if anyone else’s felt this symptoms so early on?

Please comment below as I’d love to know your stories on this!

Thank you

Baby dust to you all ✨