Bad tarot reading and now I’m devastated


I have had two miscarriages in the past three months. I pulled cards today, not asking anything specific, but of course I’m in the two week wait and can’t think of anything else.

I pulled quite a few cards (I sort of just pull as many as call to me usually) and the last four I pulled were six of wands, the sun, reversed two of pentacles, then nine of swords.

When I asked if the nine of swords was indicative of a miscarriage, I pulled ten of cups, reversed chariot, then the tower.

I feel like this is definitely a miscarriage, and I’m feeling devastated. Until today, the cards have been quite positive. I pull six of wands a lot followed by signs of pregnancy (such as page of cups or ace of cups). This is the first reading showing anything beyond conception.

I know you’re not supposed to ask tarot about things like this for exactly this reason....

Any sort of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. I can’t talk to my husband about it because he doesn’t believe in tarot so would get annoyed I’m sad about it.