Anxiety attack tips

Tatum, Zora & Amara`s Muva 🌹 • 26|Navy Wife| Mommy.

Hey, so after losing my baby in April due to IC I've been having really bad anxiety and panic attacks...I was on Ativan but I couldn't take it that long because of dependency. My Doctor started me on prozac and its been a week..I feel okay but I'm still having anxiety. My anxiety feels like nausea, dizzy/fainting spells, tingling in my arm and all of my muscles tense up. I've been to the ER every month for the same complaint, chest pain and after countless EKGS, CTsl, XRAY and blood work...nothing ever comes up..I even wore a heart monitor and the only thing they saw was tachycardia witch of course is because I was panicking...idk what else to do..I'm not suicidal but its uncomfortable living this way..I want to cry to release tension but I'm scared that itlwork me up more..I've noticed in the car too that its the body feels like a brick..stiff and shaking and when I get home I'm fine...idk what to do..I just need tips on how to stop these racing thoughts and fear that I'm having a heart attack when literally every hospital and dr I've been to tell me that I'm completely healthy...