Is this the 18 month sleep regression?


My 17 month old settles well to sleep and naps usually. I think she’s in the sleep regression at the minute. She went from last week refusing to sleep in the day so had nearly a week of no naps and then napped well self settling 3 days and yesterday refused again. Last night and the night before she was waking having a cuddle and then going back down okay but crying in her sleep on and off for almost two hours. Have tried everything because I’m really really tired and also have a 2 month old. She usually goes through phases where she will have 4oz when teething at night then snaps back to normal but the past two nights has been medicine milk milk milk she’s had 8oz at once each time. Two nights ago was 1-3 last night 11-1 then she settles down finishes the rest of her sleep until 7-8am as usual and she’s okay. If we don’t give milk it’s the same but with an earlier wake up. She will scream and cry intermittently then lay back down. Yesterday had to give Calpol and later nurofen. Then she will skip her nap and last week when she was doing this she was fine. I think it could have something to do with second molars? She does seem in pain and is crying in her sleep. Then we usually have to go in a few times. AIBU to think this will be this way forever now? I’m exhausted and need it to end so soon because my eyeballs are going to drop out.