Negative test following miscarriage?

When did you get a negative test following miscarriage?

I had the tablets 16 days ago and was told to take a test 3 weeks after the tablets. However I’ve heavily bled and passed clots constant for two weeks.

I went in for a check up today - not a scan - just in case of possible infection as the bleeding has significantly decreased finally but I was worried I had got an infection.

The nurse took some bloods and a swab for infection and just said to me as I was still passing things last week to leave taking the test ‘for a good week’ and then will go from there. The nurse took a pregnancy test today and it was still positive.

I’m worried that in a ‘good week’ my test will still be positive and I’ll need a d&c meaning this ordeal would of then gone on for around 2 months. I can’t even attempt to move on from this 😔