Implantation bleeding

Hi im really confused right now because for about two weeks already I’ve had pregnancy symptoms I even have really veiny boobs and super bloated, my last period was November 22 and I had intercourse that day then on November 27 I had intercourse again I ovulated on the 9th of this month and yesterday on the 15th of December I had spotting brownish, pinkish going back and forth then at night I had really light bleeding with light cramps feels like they’re stretching something in my lower stomach, today I continued with the light bleeding but I don’t even fill a panty liner it’s only when I pee and wipe on my TWW and my period isn’t schedule till the 22nd I’m so confused please help ! And also my period was on the 22nd the month of November till the 25 and that period I had two days of bleeding and the last days I had brown discharge and pink discharge, so I’m wondering if I’m having implantation bleeding or not, hope y’all can help !