Minor surgery


Today I had surgery to drain a very large abscess that was starting to cause me to be septic. I just wanted to talk about it somewhere I guess. I’m 34+5 and they did a spinal block. With my last pregnancy when I got my epidural, my blood pressure dropped bad and fast and so I warned them this time. Multiple times throughout the surgery my blood pressure would plummet. They had to administer medicine 5-6 time just for the surgery, which went well thankfully. Then after surgery is when it got bad. They moved me back onto a stretcher and wheeled me to recovery, right after I got on the bed I started to feel faint and nauseous so I told them. By the time I got to where they needed to get me, my blood pressure was 65 and I was pale with blue lips. They struggled to get it back up but finally did. Now I’m home and trying to take it easy( hard to do when I have a 2yo) but hey I’m not in as much pain anymore and only have 4 different bruises lol.