Just wanna say I’m still pregnant over here!!!

Laura • Married 👼🏻👶🏻👧🏻

38+3, 3cm dilated, 70% effaced. Having surges off and on, but nothing strong enough or consistent enough to go in. Due Dec. 28. My son was born at 38+3 so we’ll see how much longer she’s in there for! 💞

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Due December 25th. 3cm 50% effaced FTM I feel like its so close but so far awayyyy!!! Lol


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Same due date, FTM and getting checked for the first time on Tuesday, so know nothing about dilation or effacement (if that’s a word). She’s still up high, so I’m thinking not any time soon. Which I’m ok with cuz I’m starting to freak out just a tad.


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Getting close!!! My son was born at 38 weeks exact and my baby girl waited till 39 +1 on Dec 1st!


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38+3 also! When did you get checked for dilation? I have a appt tmw hoping they check me 🤞🏼