Sick dog...


So I am going to keep this as short as possible. At bedtime, my two dogs typically go outside for about 15 minutes one last time, then come in and crash on the floor while I finish picking up the house before I put them in their crates and go to bed. Tonight, one of them (1 year old lab) was acting restless after they came back in - frequently licking at his feet and kept getting up and walking around before laying down somewhere else. After a little while he threw up A TON. Normally I don’t find an occasional vomit episode all that strange as long as it’s an isolated one, but when I walked over to him I noticed his eyes were really puffy and the skin around them looks a little red and the fur around the right one was a bit wet like it had been watering. He didn’t seem to be acting strange or like he was in distress so I cleaned up the puke, and he went and laid down in his kennel (normal behavior for him - he likes his kennel and goes in there on his own at bedtime).

His vomit didn’t have anything strange in it like he managed to find something he shouldn’t have. It was just food and there was some grass. We live in the country where it would be pretty unlikely for anyone else to have put something in our yard that he could get to.

If the vomiting continues or if his eyes still look swollen in the morning, I will be calling the vet first thing when they open. And I am setting an alarm for every couple hours tonight to check on him. I’m mainly wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar or has a story that can ease my mind because the swollen eyes has me a little concerned since he’s never had that before. My husband is a power lineman and was sent to the northeast to restore power from the snow storm, so my only option for getting our dog seen before morning would be to pull my 1 year old out of bed to make a trip to the emergency vet - I’m just not sure that’s necessary since he is now sleeping in his kennel and seems comfortable. Anyone have any insight?