Help! depopivara question


Ok so back in 2012 I got the Depo-Provera shot. I was supposed to get it the third time in January of 2013. I decided not to get it. I got my period in February got pregnant with my second daughter in April of 2013.. okay July 23 this year I want to my doctor because I was very depressed and I wanted to get on some medication to help with it I wanted to get on Lexapro. My doctor refused to give me my medications because I was not on birth control. And he told me either I could wait a month after being on the pill then I could have my medicine or he could give me the depo-provera shot and I could have my medicines that day. I was supposed to get it redone on October 22nd which I did not. And I still haven't had my period. I keep feeling like I'm about to start and nothing I've been slightly cramping every once in awhile and nothing but my cervical mucus has been crazy the last several weeks I basically would feel like I would pee myself or I started. But I haven't. I'm just wondering how many people have gotten one injection and how long it had taken them to get through period afterwards.