Late period, negative tests

I’m about 3-4 days late (depending on the app I look at) my regular app says my period was supposed to start on the 16th. I took 2 tests on Tuesday and Wednesday this week (2-3 days before AF was supposed to show up) and they were negative. I am also NEVER late for my period. Like ever. The dates that are predicted are always accurate. But I waited and tested this morning (saturday) and it was negative. I have been on and off nauseated and I also haven’t had much of an appetite enough to forget to eat and not a lot of stuff sounds very good. I also have been super moody too...long story short...should I just wait until I’m officially a week late and test again?? Anyone else experiencing this too???😩😩😩

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Yup, welcome in the club! BFN this morning..


Carissa • Dec 21, 2020
🤞🤞 that hopefully In a few days that will change for both of us ♥️