So so upset🥺

I’ve been TTC for over a year now and have had 4 miscarriages. A load of tests and hospital appointments later I found out I have an underactive thyroid so have been on levothyroxine for a month now. I had a blood test done again on Friday for my antibodies as the last test results were questionable. I got the results back today and was told my levels are high basically meaning I might/could have a autoimmune disorder and I’m getting referred to another hospital (Addenbrookes if anyone here is from the UK).

I’m so scared and so so upset. I called my mum and just cried my eyes out. All I want is to have a family with my fiancé😢

Anyone else gone through/going through something similar or can give me some advice? Absolutely heart broken...

Was told by my gynaecologist that because of my antibodies test results I’ll more than likely have to go on steroids.