IUD removal - bleeding


This post is going to contain some “TMI” so I apologize for that in advance....

I had my iud removed this past Thursday (4 days ago). I only had it for about 3 months, but I was having some weird hormonal side effects from it. I had a Mirena for 6 years - up until 2 years ago when we wanted to try for another baby. This time I got the Liletta because it’s exactly the same as Mirena, just cheaper, so insurance would only cover the Liletta. I had a tubal after my second was born and only got the iud for period control because my periods became extremely heavy after he was born, so since I don’t need it for birth control I went ahead and had it removed instead of dealing with the mood swings and cramping that wouldn’t go away. Opted for a different method of period control.

My body had already adjusted to where my periods were just light spotting with the Liletta - only needed a panty liner. I was on the last day or two of my spotting “period” when it was removed. I expected some light bleeding or spotting to continue for a couple days after the removal, but it’s still going on 4 days later and at times is pretty significant. I had a “gush” Saturday and yesterday of heavy bleeding, followed by some clotting and tissue loss. Saturday the tissue loss was worse than it was yesterday. Today, I am still bleeding to a degree - it’s dark dark and thick, like there’s still some tissue and it’s not just blood, but it’s not as heavy. I’ve also had uncomfortable cramping, but I know that can be normal too.

Can anyone tell me if this would still be considered normal bleeding after removal or if they experienced anything similar? I don’t think I had this after my Mirena was removed, but it was awhile ago so I don’t remember everything, and I had it for a lot longer and guessing that could impact it. I know heavy bleeding isn’t considered normal but I’m not really sure what constitutes “heavy”. I left a message for the triage nurse at my OB’s office this morning. Just seeing if anyone on here might have insight.