Had my baby yesterday


I was 37 weeks & 5 days and delivered a healthy baby girl. Was having contractions Saturday night around 10pm. Didn’t rush to go to hospital because days earlier i had contractions that stopped after about 2 hours. So i waited to see if these

Would also stop. They got further apart but also stronger. So i told my bf let’s go. At about 2am, In the car on the way to the Hospital , they became intense and my water broke. These were the most painful contractions I’ve ever had. My other 2 labors were quick and natural. I was anti-epidural but gave in this time. I couldn’t handle the pain. Lemme tell you. Epidurals are life saving lol. I will never talk bad about them ever again. Yesterday 12/20/2020 at 8:18am i pushed my daughter out in 2 pushes and felt nothing. It was great lol. My due date was 1/5. I’m happy my pregnancy is over and my baby is here and healthy.