
I have been getting persistent UTI’s for the past three months. It started when I got a new partner. At first it started out and I was thinking it’s because it’s a new partner. Well it never cleared up. Ended up in hospital with minor kidney infection. Everything started to get better and I thought I was good again. Then another one came, this time worse and with blood in my urine. Went to OB, everything was fine. Went to Urologist, everything checked out. Regular physical showed everything normal minus white blood cell count. Urine culture showed only normal bacteria in my bladder. The pain is only get worse. I don’t think it is a UTI, but have no idea what else it could be.

I am at a loss along with my doctors! My bladder definitely swells but it is random, not related to rough sex or sex in general. Symptoms still occur even with abstinence. Main symptoms are: clitoris pain, vagina swelling, blood in urine, burning, Incontinence, throbbing and bladder swelling(I can literally feel my bladder pushing). I have been on long term antibiotics, cystex, oxy for pain management, natural substances, cranberry pills, vagina moisturizers, Advil, etc and the list goes on and on. I am at the point where I have to cancel plans because I am in pain and need to be by a toilet. Has anyone had similar or have any idea on what could be going on. PLEASE HELP!