My 3 year old told me I was pregnant 😱

Mandy • 26, Mommy to Oliver, pregnant with my second babe. married to my very best friend 😍

I wanted to share the (in my opinion) incredible story of how I found out about this new little bundle 😭♥️

Two days before I decided to test, I was rocking my son (Oliver). He woke up from his nap,

smiled and snuggled into me and said “mommy, you have a baby in your belly”. Now look, I didn’t find this super unusual because my boy LOVES to play pretend, so he says this often when he wants to pretend like HE’S the baby in my belly. But this time, he wasn’t “being” the baby, he just made the statement and moved on. Then throughout the day he kept saying it, and I kept laughing and replying “no I don’t!” (Secretly crying inside because obviously I need to work out more 😂)

The more this exchange happened, the more frustrated Oliver got, and at one point he even got tears in his eyes, and said “YES. YOU DO.”

I could feel his frustration that I just WASN’T LISTENING. 😭

After that, I started looking back on the last week or so, and realizing I actually HAD noticed some nausea and fatigue, and decided that... testing couldn’t HURT anything.

Sure enough, I got the test and INSTANTLY those two lines popped up. 😱

Are you kidding me?! Listen, y’all, that baby KNOWS his momma 😭🥰😂

(To add to this, when we told him about the baby, he almost seemed like he was confused why we were telling him, like... he had told US that a couple of days ago 😂😂)

I can’t tell you how special this story already is to me, and I know as the years pass, it’s gonna be one that I tell often. 🥺😭♥️