Neighbour complaint over noise

Our neighbours complained to us a couple of weeks ago, that the stairs is VERY noisy at our house, and when my daughter is walking they can hear her etc. So I’ve tried telling her to be quiet etc and she’s getting there; but a lot of her toys are upstairs and she’s only just turned 3 so she’s not really aware that running is a bit noisy.

I’ve spoken to them today, but they’ve now said the noise is now downstairs in where our front room is, and it distracts her from reading in her kitchen. So we think it’s draws in our front room, so we’ve taken them out of there. So I’ll ask her if it’s improved in a couple of days. But I’m overly worried she’ll try and get us kicked out

I genuinely am so upset, I don’t want to be the “noisy neighbour” it’s not my intention at all😩😩