Boyfriend wants a break

I’ve been talking to this guy for the whole year. He ended things in September because he felt as if he’d never introduce me to his daughter. A few weeks later he started texting me more and more and after we were stronger than ever and I did meet his daughter and whole family.

For the past month he’s been moving into his new house and renovating. He’s been trying to get it done by Christmas so I’ve been there every day helping him. A few days ago I was at the house helping his family move in while he was at work. He barely texted me all day. I assumed he was off of work so I called him about his house. He didn’t answer so I called him every 30 mins until he answered. He finally called me back and then he just started ranting to me about how stressed he is and how I’m not helping. He told me he’s frustrated with me recently. I’ve been going through personal stuff that even he doesn’t know. Towards the end of the call he told me he needs a break for his mental health otherwise he’s going to have a breakdown. I told him I don’t like breaks but he told me if I really like him that I would do this for him. He told me it’s until he’s all settled down.

Yesterday I asked if he could drop something off for me that he had that I needed for work so he did. He got out and hugged me and gave me my stuff, hugged me again and told me to text him when I get to work safely. I mentioned that we never talked about the other night and the break and he said he didn’t want to talk about it, that it was one of those nights where he just wants him time. He told me again that the break is just until he’s settled in. I texted him this morning and he didn’t reply until like an hour ago, but just loved the message I sent. I texted him after and told him thanks again. I was wanting to tell him about the personal thing going on with me rn bc that will explain everything, but I don’t know how to go about it. He told me he loved me a few weeks ago for the first time and I know he doesn’t take those things lightly because he has a daughter. I know if he was truly done he’d tell me, but I think he’s just so stressed rn that he needs a mental break but I want to be there for him to. What do I do? How do I go about telling him about the personal stuff when he isn’t texting me back?