I feel like a bad mom... 🥺

My son is 12 and always wants me to play games with him. Unfortunately because of how bad my migraines are, I don’t have the energy or strength to play. I will sit and watch movies with him but most days after working, I’d rather just lay in the dark. My son isn’t shy about telling me that I never want to play with him because I always have a migraine. He’s right but I can’t do anything about it. I’m on 2 different medications for my migraines plus OTC pain relievers which don’t do a whole lot of good. It makes me so mad when people don’t understand how debilitating they are and my son doesn’t get it. I understand why he’s upset and I feel like such a bad mom because I don’t spend much 1 on 1 time with him because I just physically can’t. I’ve tried everything to take care of these migraines and nothing works. Before anyone makes any suggestions... when I say everything... I mean everything... I’m 31 and I’ve dealt with them ever since I was a child...

I just wish I didn’t feel this way and I wish my son didn’t think I don’t care about his feelings because I really do... my migraines literally suck the life from me... 🥺🥺


Probably should have specified “games”. He’s not allowed video games for a while because of some unauthorized spending he did on the Xbox earlier this year... so I’m referring to board games/cards, etc.