{LONG} I just can't take it anymore I'm fucking done!!

My whole pregnancy my boyfriend has wanted me to get rid of the baby, he keeps body shaming me calling me fat as fuck while I'm not even fat it's just the baby because before her I was really skinny 😔 it's to the point I'm regretting on even going thru with it and keeping her.he doesn't want it so bad that when I have her he said were breaking up and hes gonna tell everyone I cheated and got pregnant I told him that's what DNA testing is for he said he won't do it I said I'll do it between her and our son then. Tonight he said exact words " I'm tired of your stomach looking like this aren't you tired of looking sloppy, I said yes I am tired of looking pregnant he said then go to the doctor and tell them you don't want the baby " I want to leave him so bad but I'm scared to, our apartment is in his name only, I don't want him to take custody of our son he threatens me alot with taking custody and him or my son never seeing me again I don't want that , I want my son. He probably isn't even capable of taking care of him I swear on my life He has NEVER made a bottle NEVER changed a diaper doesn't go to doctor appointments doesn't go to the hospital with us the last 4 months I HAVE been buying diapers formula wipes not him! I would leave him if I didn't think he would take my baby from me he's only a year old. I have 2 jobs tho but I have nothing. And I'm 32 weeks my time is limited 😔😔