Heartburn saviour


So I really struggle with some violent acid reflux in the later months of pregnancy and wanted to share a tip that works like a hot damn to fix it for any mamas out there who share the same problem.

I have pregnancy related GERD so bad I've torn and eroded my esophagus and stomach lining to the point I throw up blood (not a little bit either it is like coffee grounds) and ended up in the hospital... zantac 120 didnt work, tums didnt work, milk, bread, pepto bismol, mustard, gaviscon even didnt help and ended up screwing with my contractions previously so bad I had to be induced. Nothing seemed to help... until now.

1 tsp baking soda in a cup of tepid/warm water. You can chug it or sip it, it tastes like absolute arse, but omg instant relief for hours (all day if you put it in a water bottle and sip at it as needed) and it doesnt interfere with contractions! This is freaking genius and I owe the credit to my chemistry educated birthdad who suffers from violent GERD from eating anything acidic or salty, never would have thought of it myself. Hopefully this saves some mamas a lot of pain!