so, my ex broke up with me a couple weeks ago, and we have been friends since because we decided that being friends is just better for both of us rather than being in a relationship. we hung out once last week at his friends house. so last night, he facetimes me and asks if i wanna hangout again at his friends house. so i said i would, and i started getting ready and everything. he said his friend would be picking me up. and i had planned to give him his hoodie back that i still had after we broke up. so, his friend comes to my house, i give my ex his hoodie back, and randomly he goes, “do you, by any chance, have water in the house that we can have?” and i already knew something was up, but didn’t think much of it. but i said “sure i’ll get some water” and went inside to “get them water”. next thing i know, his friend just drives off. at this point, i’m like “woah, WTF?!?!” then i facetimed him saying “wtf was that about?” and he’s like “oh i just wanted my hoodie back...” WELL DUDE, YOU COULD HAVE JUST SAID THAT. like there was no need to lie and make me think that we’re going to hangout, like you said. it made no fucking sense to me. i had a gut feeling that it would happen but i didn’t think much of it because i didn’t think he would ACTUALLY think to do that to me. but i guess it happens. but, while we were still on facetime, he’s basically just like “i’m just done with all the bullshit and you being you, so i’m just gonna block you on everything and not talk to you...” i did not understand at all. i was genuinely so confused because he would not even give me a reason as to why he wanted to do that. he said he wanted to be friends and talk, but i just genuinely do not know what i did wrong for him to do that to me. i totally understand if an ex wants his hoodie back, but he could have just said, “hey, i’m coming over to get my hoodie back.” instead of just calling me asking to hangout. i just don’t get it. why would a guy lie like that? i confronted him about it and he said he “didn’t lie” but he literally fucking did. and he’s all like, “i just wanted my hoodie back..” but dude, like i fucking said, you could have just told me you wanted it back and i would have given it to you. you didn’t have to call me, making me think we were actually gonna hang out, just for your friend to speed off right after you get it back. i don’t know, it just makes no fucking sense to me. i should have known, and i feel so stupid for just letting it fly past my head without thinking it would actually happen. i told his mom about it because i felt bad for myself, but she told me not to blame myself and that her son was just being the cocky little teenage boy he always fucking is. she just told me not to worry about it and that she “will handle him”. his mom is so sweet and kind but has an awful son who just likes to make young girls cry over tiny shit like this. but yeah, that happened. i’m not so “mad” anymore about the situation, but knowing that i’m gonna be living with that memory in the back of my head for the rest of my life just does not sit right with me. i know i’m going to be thinking about it every day from here on out. nothing like that has ever happened to me. maybe it’s a trauma thing, but i just know i’m never going to be able to forget it. it hurts a lot.