Is my family right?

23, married to my high school sweetheart, pregnant with our second. I got pregnant with our first unexpectedly senior year - after we both graduated he went to school/work and I stayed home and did college online/in person. Once I finished college, I’ve continued to stay home since what I made would be the same or less than daycare/transportation.

My husband makes enough for us to be pretty comfortable - we bought our first home. Now that I’m pregnant I told him I would most likely stay home until our youngest was in kindergarten, so another 4-5 years. Meaning I wouldn’t start working until I’m 28-29. He has no problem with this as long as we’re happy.

But my family will NOT stop making comments. Friends. Some of his family members. They just keep hounding me over and over on getting a job, contributing to the income, having my “own” money. Making comments like “if you had a job you’d understand” or “you’ve never had a job so you don’t get it.” Then telling me if my husband decides to leave me I will have nothing and he will get sole custody since I’ve only been a stay at home mom. Telling me I must feel unfulfilled and bored.

I’ve been very happy with our situation and so has my husband but now I am feeling like are they right? It’s really making me feel like I’m worthless.

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