please help- intense pain

PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING!! really need help


when i was younger, my periods used to last for months at a time and be very heavy. i was eventually (years later) diagnosed with anemia and put on the pill. i’ve taken it for over a year now. i recently stopped taking it because it seemed unnecessary. i have had irregular periods since. my first period off of the pill was three weeks late. this month, it was 4 days late. for the past almost two weeks, i’ve had bad cramps (they didn’t feel like period cramps at all) in my lower abdomen / uterine area, and every now and then, in my lower back. one day these cramps were so bad that i almost fainted taking a shower. today i got my period and i’m in so much pain. i have period cramps mixed with the other cramps and i fell to the ground crying earlier. i had bad pains on the pill too but not as bad. someone said maybe i have cysts. what could this be??? should i see a doctor ? please please help