Christmas is actually a success 😭

I am beyond blessed with an AMAZING family.

We are struggling this year.... hard. Like we are scrapping buy just to get enough food on the table so we knew we had little to no budget for Christmas. It’s been a tough year for us but we have tried hard to play it off so our kids and extended family don’t even notice.

My husband and I have been in tears leading up to Christmas just trying to figure out how to provide Christmas for our kids. We got what little we could afford.... and then all of a sudden we had amazon shipments coming to our house day, after day, after day. My aunts, uncles, sister, grandparents, etc all sent gifts for the kiddos. Now the tree is full of present and I am beyond blessed. I am sitting here crying that with my family’s help we actually pulled off a successful Christmas 😭

I can’t stop crying I am so grateful!