My brother is a turd

I’ve really been trying hard with this one man this brother had to turn his whole life around. He’s gone to boot camp and back and almost juvy and he’s been in extensive counseling because he has rage issues and he basically.. no he actually told me I wasn’t his sister and was verbally abusive. He hurt me ALOT as much as I tried to act like it didn’t bother me.

When he came home he was a completely different person, and this year for Christmas.. well I didn’t have a lot of money. So just bought him a big Kit Kat bar but I wanted to make it clear that I was thankful that he was working on himself and being kind.

Then he do this

So of course I don’t give him a ride because I’m asleep at 1:17 am. Woke up to 800 phone calls that I never heard because it was on silent and off vibrate.

So I sent him this because my mom gets really mad when I don’t give him a ride and I have to explain that he waits until like way late to ask me for something

He’s just such a turd lmfao. But then after that he was like “But can I get a ride tomorrow.” And I was like yes lmfao because you asked at 1pm and not 1:17 am 🤣🤣

He’s upgraded from super mean jerk to just a turd and yeah I’m proud of that, because everyone’s brother is a turd. I’m really REALLY Proud but he’s still a turd