Can a two year old have anxiety ?


I think my two year old may have anxiety. I have a five month old and I of course haven’t been able to give her all the attention like I used to. I’ve only noticed this over the past 2 months. Here’s a list of sudden changes in her

1. Is suddenly obsessed and has to have a pacifier even though she never had one as a baby? Neither has her brother.

2. Constantly on me. And I mean constantly. Especially while I breastfeed her brother. She will lay right beside or on me. She does this most of the day. She won’t play with her toys unless I sit and play with her. She’s never done this before.

3. She is obsessed with touching my belly. Everytime she is upset she runs over to me and has to touch and hold my belly to calm down. While I’m breastfeeding she just holds my belly. While I’m sitting she holds my belly. If I ask her to stop or move her hand away she has a fit.

4. She wakes in the middle of the night crying and runs to my room to sleep with me. This happens a couple times a week.

5. Suddenly scared of monsters and ghosts and always freaking out saying she sees them and running away. Especially when she hears sudden sounds.

I think the monster originated because of baby shark Halloween themed videos.

I guess that’s about all I can think of right now. But it’s all very new behaviour that’s making me think she is having some sort of anxiety. It’s only happened in the last couple months. I was thinking maybe the change of her brother has made her upset but she was perfectly fine for the first 3-4 months so I don’t know. Anyone have any idea what this could be and how to solve it? I’m honestly getting touched out by lunch everyday because she’s always on me lol and the whole belly touching is super weird for me because I’m a very untouchy type of person. She just used to be so so independent and constantly wanting to run around and explore but now she’s quiet and attached to me. I’m just worried