Possible Ectopic


Tomorrow I go to get my 3rd hcg levels taken. I’m praying for good news but it’s not looking good. I may only be with you ladies for another week or so if my gut instinct is true.

I got a faint positive 2 days before Christmas and a strong one on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>. Last period was Nov 26. On Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>, I could feel my excitement grow. I knew I was pregnant. My husband was still skeptical as my lines were still really faint. That evening, I started to spot. My period was due the next day. I was so angry once it got heavier and I saw clots. My Christmas wish that felt so real was pouring outside of me. It seemed like a period. It was dark, clotty, and enough to wear a pad or tampon. I felt so sad all day on Xmas because I was miscarrying. I knew I was pregnant, I had the lines on the tests. On Saturday morning I took a test just to see. The line was darker and I just knew I was pregnant. Sunday, still bleeding and line was even darker. I was still pregnant. I couldn’t believe it. But I kept feeling the cramps, mostly in my right side and lower back. Reminded me of a side sticker pain while running. Then Monday the pain was more constant. Not excruciating, but annoying. I took a Digital test. “Pregnant” I sent it to my husband and said “see!” I told him I was and I was right. Everything in my gut keeps telling me something is wrong. So that day I went to the ER where I waited nearly 4 hours in the waiting room before getting a triage room. They did blood test (hcg came back a 7) and nothing showed up on ultrasound. Sent me home. Had hcg levels done and read on Wednesday morning (they came back only 11). The doc called and said I’m likely having an ectopic vs an abnormal growing pregnancy. I’m more tuned in to the pains on my right side. I’ve had to sit and wait almost 72 hours to go for another blood test. I’m praying they are much higher and they see an inter uterine pregnancy on a scan. We have been ttc for 19 months. My heart is breaking so much right now in anticipation. I should be so happy and excited right now because im finally pregnant. I’m so scared to move around in fear of rupturing my tube as I wait on these tests. Congratulations to all you ladies. Fingers crossed that I can continue on this journey with you and make it to September. ♥️