This girl I know


I don’t know where to start but I know this girl got me questioning our relationship together

- told me she believes the teacher didn’t leave but she got fired because she threw one of her kids down the stairs

- She met her bf on discord and they anonymously confessed to each other that they liked each other

- She wouldn’t tell me his name until school started

- Her and her bf at school would be all on each other

- Their relationship lasted about less than 5 months

- He broke up with her because she was too much to handle

- When I would walk away they would try to come find me

- Since the break up she’s been posting about her ex and she’s told me he’s came up to her and asked her to stop

- Told me she realized how vulnerable she was at 16 years old

- Told me when she was talking to her online friend he told her he was from Canada with blonde hair and blue eyes, he talked her into sending a photo and she did wearing a mini skirt

- He tried to use the photo against her then she started getting physically ill from it as in not wanting to eat and being drowsy, she went to the doctors for it because of fainting

- Told me her family is tired about hearing about how her bf and her broke up

- Her father died when she was 16

- I was in a group chat with her and some other people I knew and didn’t know, after someone got kicked out someone else came in and made jokes about having sex with her father when she told another friend about it he said things about doxing the girl and a few other stuff

- When I message her she either says lol or omg

- Sometimes when I ask her to hang out she agrees then acts like she can’t or says she’ll make time then doesn’t

This is a few things about her and I know that sometimes it’s easier to talk to people you don’t know another stuff but I’m one of her best friends so I don’t understand why she acts this way sometimes

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