Lo more tired lately

Hello there, lately my daughter will be in the middle of crawling and then she’ll just lay in the floor like she’s exhausted or something. She often wakes during the night and takes a nap around 9-10am. I can’t help but I worry due to the fact that she was a little warm yesterday and the day before. I gave her some Tylenol and she seems to be back at normal temp I’m not sure if maybe some teeth or something may be coming in or what the issue may be. Have any of you ladies experienced this with your babies?

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Like this? 😂


Jennifer • Jan 4, 2021
I think they just go a mile a minute and then all of a sudden need a little break. Personally, I wish I could just randomly lay on the floor sometimes too. 😂😂


La • Jan 4, 2021
Lol yes mam


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Our son was doing that laying down thing last month. No fever, no distress, just breaks to lay down in weird spots on the floor. He's not doing it anymore but he's distracted getting the whole walking thing figured out.


La • Jan 4, 2021
Yes I thought it was the weirdest thing and then she start running a temp and I was like I wonder what’s going on let me get on Glow and ask the laddies lol. I worry about technically everything smh.


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Lol, yes, we are almost 15 months and he has been sleepy, fussy and teething like crazy. He will just lay on the ground. I'll ask him if he is ready to go night night. He nods his head yes 😭.


La • Jan 4, 2021
Lol so cute haha