what do you think my chances are??


just came off of nexplanon on dec 22 (due to having very irregular bleeding while on it that’s why my chart looks like that)!!

ttc #1 and i’m 22 years old. i posted a picture of my cycle with this post but if it’s confusing:

nexplanon out dec 22

started bleeding 25-27

took my first ever opk on jan 3rd (around 3:15pm) and was at my peak. i also logged the times we had sex. no pre seed or anything used, just natural then “sticking my legs in the air” (i know there’s no proof it just makes me more comfortable about my chances)

what do you guys think my chances are of conceiving this cycle? my first cycle off of birth control, i’ve heard people get pregnant in as little as 2 weeks off of it.

also i’ve heard that my bleeding could’ve been withdrawl bleeding but since i ovulated, it was AF?

i’ve wanted to be a mom since i was 9 so i just wanted some opinions.