please help. don’t know what to do 😞

Michelle • wife🌻 mama to baby girl Heidi and Blythe 🐝 Pregnant with surprise gender baby #3 🌱

39+6 today...Before today, I hadn’t been seen by my OB in 3 weeks. I made every effort to call everyday. We just played phone tag...I was so worried and it stressed me out. I got to my appointment today and told my doctor the scenario and he said “oh you didn’t try. I know my staff answers the phone.” So I was just there like 😐

He checked me and said im 2cm dilated and 80% effaced.

I told him my last epidural experienced was extremely traumatic because the guy missed three times and i asked about other pain alternatives. He said “oh don’t worry about it they know what they’re doing over there. Get the epidural.”

I walked out of that appointment feeling so defeated and invalidated...he wrote me up for an induction in a week and sent me on my way.

I guess I have a few questions.

I’m in dual insurance right now because my husband just got promoted so I’m on his plan now also.

Should I just stick with my hospital I was planning to deliver at??? I guess icould just ask the nurse after I’m admitted what my options are. They also have me down for an induction already. (this is the same hospital I had my epidural experience at)

Should I go into the hospital/Kaiser on my husbands insurance and see what their options are?

Should I call each hospital to see what insight they offer??? Or ask what kind of pain relief they both offer during labor??

For my third baby I’m over OBs...I’m getting a midwife.

Thanks in advance :(