Pregnancy tests suck 😩


Hi guys, I’m on my 2WW.

Currently in the shower having a cry to myself.

I feel so silly because it’s so early still but I already feel like I’m out.

My boobs have never felt this ache before (don’t hurt to touch though, just sensitive nipples) I have had aching in my pelvic area since after ovulation. All I know is the pain I’m feeling right now isn’t ovulation (I gave in to my promise and used OPKs, I told myself I wouldn’t this month)

I didn’t use them while I thought I was ovulating. Cm leads me to believe I may have ovulated, I am now dry and no stretchy cm. I am 8-10dpo. I don’t know why I do these silly pregnancy tests so early (I even know it’s too bloody early!!) they just make you feel shitty seeing 1 line when you feel so horrible, wondering why the eff everything aches and pings. I just can’t help myself but check 😩

Anyway, that was my rant. Baby dust to you all ❤️