My new fertility plan!


A little background; husband & I have gotten all testing done and we are currently working with a urologist for him. For me I do have a right blocked tube. And have experimented with Serrapeptase, castor oil, all kinds of things. I’m done with all that lol, such a headache 🙄. So yesterday was CYCLE DAY 2.

I started drinking a “Golden Latte”; Turmeric, Cinnamon, milk ( I used oat milk) stevia, and a little agave. The turmeric is supposed to help with inflammation and increase stimulation in the uterus. Get things flowing

I also implemented a low carb, NO SUGAR, NO DAIRY meal plan. I’ve read dairy and ttc don’t go good together. And finding out my hormones are high and prolactin is high recently I’m trying to wean off of anything that doesn’t benefit me.

I am continuing to do 30 minutes of activity a day. For the last couple weeks/months off and on I have been doing 30 minute workout videos on YouTube. I plan on being more consistent with this new plan.

Since finding out my Prolactin is high, I researched and found Vitex, which is supposed to help balance hormones and lower prolactin. So I’m really hoping that helps. I do have an appt with an endocrinologist later this month for this reason.

The only vitamins I take are my Prenatal vitamin, Vitamin D3, and now the Vitex (2 in the morning). That’s it

I currently weigh 160 hoping this plan helps me get back to my best weight of 130. Maybe losing weight will help

This is I believe our 15th or 16th cycle ttc. So I’m not super obsessed about ttc like I was during the first year. Partly because I know that the stress isn’t good so I am taking it easy now and just letting nature run it’s course. Now just focusing on being as healthy as can be.