COVID Vaccine when TTC?

Mary • Follow me on YouTube for love, dating, and law of attraction! ❤❤

Hi, ladies. If you were given the option to get the vaccine right now, would you? I am NOT at all anti-vaccine, but I worry about how safe this vaccine is for pregnant women when the virus itself hasn't been around long enough to fully ascertain whether or not the vaccine has the potential to cause birth defects. Today, I got a call from the VA (I'm a Veteran) that I will be eligible to receive their next round of vaccines in 2 weeks, but I am apprehensive to sign up. A little about me.

1. 35 years old and, with the exception of a connective tissue disorder, am very healthy and fit.

2. Working 100% from home. Only face to face interactions are getting groceries or seeing my partner.

3. Actively ttc after 2 miscarriages in the past 2 years.

What are your thoughts? Play it safe and get the vaccine? Or wait and see because we are TTC? Has anyone else gotten the vaccine and been pregnant?