3hr birth FTM
Was due on the 16th.
On the 5th had an appointment at 38 + 3 weeks. I was having Braxton Hicks since 36 weeks but didn’t have any signs of dilation at the 36 weeks appointment... baby was still very high in my belly and nothing was happening.
When I was almost leaving the house for the appointment at 7:50 felt a gush of liquid and went to the bathroom. Felt like I peed my pants or lost urine that filled the panty liner. I waited to see if anything else would come and it didn’t so I decided to go ahead to the appointment. Didn’t even think in bringing my hospital bag with me. On the way got some stronger BH and started timing at 7 min apart. Got to the doctor and waited my turn with contractions coming at 4 min at 8:30. So I told the doctor what happened and she wanted to examine me. She said my water broke and I was almost 4cm dilated. When I got up my waters came down everywhere. We headed to the hospital that was 30 min away. And my contractions were 3 min apart. Waited to get checked in and I started to have very strong contractions. Got to the delivery room and wanted to take off my clothes I was in pain.. they examined me and was 7cm. They asked if I wanted an epidural.. My husband said NO! Because we had previously discussed that I was not having one. I was thinking of how to stay still with contractions... and have the epidural.. so I didn’t answer. But 5 min later I was screaming for epidural. The doctor arrived and wanted to check me, I was in panic, didn’t want to move and pain was strong. I wanted to leave my body and run away from the pain, like I wished for my soul to lift away and fly off! They managed to get me on the ball doing some movements to check and was at 9 cm.. the doctor said she felt the baby’s head turning to get ready in the birth canal.
They convinced me to sit on the stool and I wanted to push... I started screaming on the top of my lungs! At each contraction.. some were without intervals.. doctor told me to push down and concentrate and not scream. So I listened and with 4 pushes my baby was in my arms at 10:58.
Never imagined a 3hour birth, for FTM, like that but I am glad It was a quick and me and my baby healthy!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.