Solids/ determining if allergic


We started my son on solids beginning of Jan. We had only done baby cereal up until last week we gave him avocado. Although he LOVED it (don’t we all? Lol) I cut him off after about 4 spoonfuls. He was squirming and seemed fussy/ like I had just given him a bowl of sugar! He also sounded like he was wheezing so my husband checked him with his stethoscope but he was fine. He ended up staying up until 10pm that night (his bedtime is 8pm). I think either his belly hurt or he was super hyped from trying something other than baby cereal ... he was squealing, laughing, and talking (in a happy way) all night. 😳 my husband says it’s bc avocado has a lot of fat and fat is harder to digest than a sugar or carb.

Anyone else experience this? How do you know if your LO is allergic to something?

~ Also planning on asking his Ped at his appointment next week. ~