Probably missed miscarriage


So apparently I’m 9 weeks pregnant exactly currently and just found out today they can’t find a heart beat...

So 1st when I went to doctor and got ultrasound from my old OB before I was transferred to a new one. My last period was 10/31/20 so today I should of been 10 weeks, 2 days. But I ovulated later because my old OB measured me at 6 weeks 1 day, 12/21/20 via ultrasound.. but I went to my new OB for my first ultrasound with them today 01/11/20 and they told me no heartbeat and saying baby is measuring at 8 weeks 6 day. They said it as if I stopped developing 2 weeks ago... So I’m confused because that is the correct size it’s suppose to be according to my old OB. They did set up D&C for me tomorrow, but I told them no I want another ultrasound done but this time transvaginal. They cancelled the D&C and set me one up for Thursday in 3 days ( 01/14/20) to check again. I doubt anything will change, but I’m still trying to have hope. Anyone else had this happen and everything end up fine? Also I’m having no bleeding or cramping. I’m so heartbroken, but know I can try again.